Legion Of Loyalty
Best Known For - Running and gunning.
Favorite Tip - Bob and weave....bob and weave.
Motto - He who messes with "the Bull" gets the horns.
Location - Montana, USA
Occupation - Grocery Management
Status - Age 22, Married
Hobbies - Race cars, Installing car stereos, "shooting people".
The Games - DF2, a little DF3, Gunship, F22 Flight sim.
His Personal Site - More about Bullwinkle, And weapons information.
Favorite Links - Flagball.com- A great Delta Force site with tons of great links.
PC Toyz- PC toys, lots of "enhanced" computer stuff, overclocked processors, and RAM. They have everything computer at good prices. If you want fast go here!

System - amd althlon thunderbird/1000mhz/256 megs of ram/connection 69kbs up and down